Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Nudge at My Shoulder

It began happening about three years ago.  It only happens when I am in a shallow slumber either coming out of a deep sleep or falling into one.  At first, I thought perhaps it was just my body relaxing and my tense muscles releasing to rest.  But for some reason, recently anyway, I don't think so.  I think it is someone who is no longer with me who is nudging me.  And it's just that....a nudge, a gentle push.  Not a tap, not a slap, not a painful catch.....it is definitely a nudge....each time the same amount of pressure, in the exact same place.....behind my left shoulder.  After it happens, I know someone is trying to communicate with me but I have no idea who or what the message is.  I have even tried to match it to a dream I may have had just prior to the nudge but actually, there has not ever been a dream that I could attach it to. When it happens, it has been a dreamless sleep or just falling off into sleep.

I find it peaceful.  I have never felt it to be threatening kind of thing. It's more of a message of sorts to say "I am here and I will always be here".  I choose to believe maybe all of my loved ones that I have lost in my life get to take turns nudging me.  I can just imagine the line waiting for their turn.

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