Thursday, February 14, 2013


It's all about hearts this month. Hearts are a funny thing. They keep us alive, to be sure. They pump all of that blood and good stuff from organ to organ. It normally never lets us down and never stops, thank goodness. Hearts also let us love. Where would we be without that I wonder? It flutters and beats with each birth, kiss, meet cute, and letting go. Hearts also keep our secrets. Because we need a special place for those. Hearts can break too. They can break as a muscle that can't pump all of that blood and good stuff any more. Our hearts can stop loving. Although I personally don't think they ever stop loving. That kind of heart love just goes to a special place in the heart and lives there for all eternity. Hearts certainly are a funny thing. Valentine's Day is a day to remind ourselves that our hearts are capable of loving. We all love someone, whether it's another human being or a four legged friend. Love is what helps the heart pump blood and good stuff from organ to organ. Because you have to have that reason to live for the heart to know to keep on pumping. My heart is working overtime lately. It is anxious for a sick friend. It is mourning the loss of another. It misses a beloved pet. It is trying to keep going in a body I have neglected for a long time. I think this Valentine's Day, I am going to let my heart do the most important thing it can do. I am going to let it love me. And in turn, I am going to love mine a bit better.

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